
Individualized Reading and Writing Instruction/Tutoring to Students
• Orton-Gillingham is a multi-sensory, explicit instructional approach for teaching students having difficulties with reading, spelling, and writing associated with dyslexia and language based learning disabilities.
• Initial sessions consist of informal assessments to determine current levels of performance and skill sets to pinpoint a starting point in the Orton-Gillingham sequence of skills.
• Each part of each lesson is individualized to target areas requiring review and areas requiring new instruction. Regular progress monitoring is completed to both celebrate success and plan instruction for areas requiring additional practice.

 Literacy Evaluations
• Comprehensive, Formal Evaluations in all aspects of reading and writing (phonological processing, rapid naming, decoding & encoding, rate, fluency, reading & listening comprehension, vocabulary, oral & written expression). Criterion based, informal assessments are included in the formal evaluation.
• Formal assessments are norm referenced and result in standardized scores, which are then used to compare a student to same aged peers. Informal assessments are criterion-based and measure specific skills.
•Both formal and informal assessments can be used for:
-analyzing language based strengths and weaknesses to inform decisions for services and accommodations needed for academic success
-evaluating the effectiveness of the current intervention
- drafting goals and objectives that are specific, measurable and reasonably calculated to make progress.

Consultative Services
Professional Development & Workshops
Foundations of Reading Test Study Sessions
Coaching & Consultation to School Teams
Review of Records & Provide Recommendations
